Learn Dutch with fun!

Dutch courses

EasyDutch: Learning Dutch is easy and fun!

More focus on real-life situations. And also important: fun in class!
We can also prepare you for your civic integration exam (inburgeringsexamen) or Staatsexamen I or II (B1 and B2 level).
If you are in between levels, it's most of the time possible to join a group course in Breda immediately or within a few weeks.
You can also choose private (online) lessons in Breda (only during the day between 9:30 am and 4 pm).

Pay attention: 

Easydutch is a private school with a professional certified teacher, but Easydutch is not working with DUO or Gemeente Breda.

Easydutch has no classes for children.

From ERK-level A0 to A2.
There are at Easydutch 6 levels. And each level will take approximately 8 lessons (90 min/lesson)
Each level of 8 lessons = 12 hours class: € 174 + 1 free catch-up group lesson

A0 - A1 = 16 lessons = 24 hours of class

A1 - A2 = 32 lessons =  48 hours class
This is a group course (minumum of 5 and a maximum of 7-8 students).

Homework 3-5 hours/week.
Excl. book 'Nederlands in Gang'  € 49,50

Group course (5-8 students) :  € 14,50 per person per hour

Lesson with 3 students:           € 26,00 per person per hour

Lesson with 2 students :          € 32,00 per person per hour, 10 lessons for € 580,00 (for 2 persons)
Private lesson:                           € 62,00 per hour, 10 lessons for € 570,00 (note: you have to use the 10 lessons within 4 months)

Group lessons: The dates on your invoice are the lessons you agreed on to attend.

What to do when you have missed a lesson? 

When you can't join a group lesson you study by yourself. You can check the pictures from the notes at the whiteboard, which the teacher will share with you.

After 8 classes there is a 1 week break before we start with the next level. 

In that particular week a catch-up lesson will be given to the students that missed a class (due to holidays, work or sickness). 

The catch-up lesson is mainly meant for explanation/questions about grammar and for extra practice.

Book: 'Nederlands in gang':

Level 1 Beginners 1 :     A0-A1-  Chapter 1, 2, 3
Level 2 Beginners 2:     A1-A1    Chapter 4, 5, 6
Level 3 Beginners 3:     A1-A1+  Chapter 7, 8, 9
Level 4 Intermediate 1: A1+-A2  Chapter 9, 10, 11
Level 5 Intermediate 2: A2-A2  Chapter 12, 13, 14,
Level 6 Intermediate 3: A2-A2+ Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18

When you finish level 2 (A1) or level 6 (A2) and attended 75% of the lessons, you will receive a certificate of participation.

A2 - B1: In this course there are 5 levels until you reach B1.
Each level will take 8 lessons (90 min/lesson) = 15 hours
And selfstudy: 4 -5 hours per lesson minimum.

Each level of  8 lessons: € 174,- (excl. book € 49,50) =  € 14,50 per hour.
This is a group course (maximum of 7-8 students).

Book: 'Nederlands in Actie' (new edition 2023) 0r 'De Sprong' (new edition):
Level 7  Intermediate 4:  Part 1 B1  Chapter 1, 2
Level 8  Advanced 1:       Part 2 B1  Chapter 3, 4
Level 9  Advanced 2:      Part 3 B1  Chapter 5, 6
Level 10 Advanced 3:      Part 4 B1  Chapter 7, 8

Level 11 Advanced 4:       Part 5 B1 Chapter 9, 10, 11

After this course you can prepare for the B1 exam with 'Vooruit!' 4 hours private lessons = € 219,-

B1 --> B2 Method 'De Finale', 64 lessons 1,5 hours. Homework 3-4 hours/week.

Location Easydutch:
Breda Business Park 
Lijndonk 4 / Konijnenberg 61
4825 BG Breda

Easydutch is located in Breda Business Park, 2 km from Breda station (25-30 min walk) with free parking.
Or we can teach at your location for an in-company training (private lessons or group course) or online private class (only during the week between 9 am -3 pm.
Information: info@ easydutch.training

The teacher is a qualified teacher (NT2 certificate) with a special education to teach Dutch to non native speakers.
You can learn at your own level from level A0 all up to B2 and higher.
You can also choose one small package, which is only 8 classes (90 minutes/class). Or more lessons.
 There are private lessons, group lessons or in-company training.
These classes are especially for English speaking expats and students (University level or University of applied science).


More information:
info@ easydutch.training

Taalschool Breda - Language school Breda

Learn Dutch, start today!

KvK 50396641

Wil je Nederlands leren? Volg dan een cursus bij Easydutch in Breda!
Deze Nederlandse cursus is niet duur en leuk!
Je krijgt les van een professionele docent. De docent heeft Nederlands gestudeerd bij Universiteit Leiden.
Breda is goed te bereiken voor cursisten uit Oosterhout, Made, Wagenberg, Zundert, Etten-Leur, Roosendaal, Bavel, Teteringen, Terheijden, Dorst, Molenschot, Rijen, Ulvenhout, Rijsbergen en Zevenbergen.

Update website: 19-02-2025

Meer informatie: info@easydutch.training. of M: 06 135 92 475 (Please leave a voicemail message)
